The authors of Portuguese from Portugal have published two books. By purchasing our books it is a great way to support our site, future books and other learning material. Thanks for your support!
- Daily European Portuguese - 100 Most Common Verbs (New)
- Aprender Português com Poesia - Learn Portuguese with Poetry

Daily European Portuguese - 100 Most Common Verbs
This book is ideal for students of the Portuguese language (from Portugal) who want to learn and practice the 100 most common verb in Portuguese.

This book is over 200 pages of content to help your in your learning of the 100 most common Portuguese verbs. The book follows a consistent and structured layout for learning one verb per day. Each verb provides;
- Translation to English of the verb meaning.
- Conjugations in past, present, and future tenses.
- Everyday usages of the verb with sample sentences.
- Practice exercises to train yourself.
- A writing section for you to practice using the verb with some helpful questions to get you inspired.
Answers are provided for the practice exercises so you can check your progress.
Available on Amazon Worldwide
Aprender Português com Poesia - Learn Portuguese with Poetry
The book is bilingual in Portuguese from Portugal and English. The book features poems created by the author with exercises focused on the grammar of each poem. There are also glossaries with definitions of some select words or expressions from each poem.